Tuesday, April 26, 2022

To-Dos, Done.

The break has been a good time to catch up on rest and tick off outstanding items on the to-do list.

I finally managed to finish our family's 2021 photobook and that's on its way to us. Our bigs got new shoes and with wintery approaching, our little man and big girl got fuzzy dressing robes to keep them warm after swimming lessons next term. 

 "Mum, do I look like a Jedi?"

The husband got me a weighted skipping rope, something I'd been wanting to get this holiday. A friend skips as a great way to get some exercise in without having to leave the house. For me, physically leaving the children to walk or run is probably the hardest part, so this seems like pretty a good deal. The husband put out an egg timer set for 15 minutes, and I managed to skip in sets of 30 skips today out in our front yard. I had a little audience for awhile but mostly the children played on the playground while I exercised and I could still stop to tend to the ones who wanted mum. I'm surprised by how much of a sweat just 15 minutes of skipping worked up. Definitely really hoping I can keep this up!

Our big girl had been wanting to bake Anzac biscuits since Anzac day was observed yesterday. We baked this evening after our littlest had gone to bed: she, reading instructions, measuring out ingredients and rolling out dough balls and he, mixing, tasting (of course) and flattening the dough balls with a fork. A good team.

While waiting for the biscuits to bake, she and I talked about fractions and how to read/write/understand them. Very important when reading recipes and measuring out ingredients. Also, knowing the difference between tbsp and tsp is key! 

They got to stay up to enjoy the fruit of their labours dipped in warm milk. Yum. Them and the shameless freeloader on the right. Haha! Good thing we love him enough to share the spoils! 

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