Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve!

10 years ago, on New Year's Eve, I remember sitting in bed, at The Peak, watching a movie with the husband on our laptop (we had no TV then). I remember being pregnant with our big boy and still feeling the waves of nausea as the clock crept towards the stroke of midnight and the beginning of the new year. We saw, from our bedroom balcony on the 41st floor, far off on the horizon, red flares shot up into the sky at the stroke of midnight; ships out at sea ringing in the new year.

A rather random memory, but still poignant juxtaposed against our reality now, a decade later.

Papa prepared a lovely meal of steak, sausages, wedges made with homegrown potatoes, tomato/homegrown fennel soup and some rolls and salad. 

It seems we've been married long enough for the husband to know that I'd invite everyone to share the highs and lows of our year, and I found it endearing that he prepared an answer in anticipation of that, even before it crossed my own mind to ask the question at the table. 

We all watched Puss in Boots after dinner. Funny movie. Our bigs tried to stay up as late as they could: big boy read while our big girl prepared overnight oats and cooked chicken curry with me. They finally switched off their bedroom lights at 11pm. 

Ending the year on a slightly sober note at news that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has passed away. With Pope Francis at the helm in tumultuous waters, I mourn what seems to be the end of an era.

Blessed 2023! 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Summer Cooking.

We visited the Auckland Botanic Gardens this morning, glad for the cloud cover which made the walk a little easier. We split into two groups: the boys loved dashing ahead while us ladies preferred to take our time. Our little lady, I noticed, is happy to chug along as long as she's fed. Thankfully she loves fruit, so she had a variety of fruit in her hand as she walked.

I am starting to realise that there is an art to summer cooking. Of course, the less time spent in front of a hot stove in these hot summer months, the better. Not only that, cold meals also go down exceptionally well. 

Meal prep is now done the night before, when it's cooler. The older children have joined in, and our big girl has learned to prepare overnight oats for breakfast. Our big boy has been preparing the bakes: baked savoury French toast last night, apple crumble the day before, and he helped papa with bread pudding this evening. Being able to pull ready-to-eat meals out of the fridge has been wonderful. 

Overnight oats, a quinoa salad, bread pudding and chicken salad for tomorrow's meals

Bread rolls to go with cold chicken salad. 

Thinking of what to cook has been the trickiest part. Just gonna take it one day at a time. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022


We spent Christmas eve with our friends who are celebrating their first Christmas here in New Zealand. It set me reflecting on our first Christmas here and how far we have come since. 

Our first Christmas saw us in a wee rental, with a felt Christmas tree blu-tacked to the wall. It felt a little empty and I remember missing Singapore. 

With the years, little things have turned into traditions. We've had burgers for Christmas dinner three years running, and Christmas day seems to be a great day for the paddling pool to get set up, like we did last year. Our attempt at a gingerbread house this year couldn't quite stand the extra humid weather we had leading up to Christmas so... The children were treated to the carnage of a T-Rex rampage instead. 

Something new, too, got its day in the sun. We staged a home nativity play for the first time. 

Enjoying one of his gifts at the beach (talking to our neighbour back at home!) 

 It has been a lovely Christmas. I'm grateful for family and friends who send Christmas gifts for the children despite the distance... That's been a blessing since we moved here and we have felt the love.

Monday, December 19, 2022


Big girl watching the Football World Cup final between Argentina and France with Papa.

At half time: 2 bigs awake.
Mum's going back to bed. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

All Is Tip Top.

The atmosphere around school is fizzing with excitement; school reports have been handed out, new classes have been assigned, secret santas are around and gifts are being exchanged...two days are all that stand between school and the long summer break. 

Our bigs received excellent reports and are pleased with their new classes. They visited their new classes and met their new teachers this morning. 

It was in the spirit of summer adventure that we signed them out school this morning after their class visits. They had no clue where we were going and were surprised to be picked up after morning tea. The littlies were waiting in the car and excitedly told them that we were going to visit an ice cream factory!

Indeed we were. The Tip Top ice cream factory. 

We'd booked months earlier, as soon as factory tours resumed after covid disruptions. 

We got to see how ice cream is made and packed. We learned a bit more about the history of the company. The best part, unequivocally, was getting to pick an ice cream from the freezers after the tour. That's one way to guarantee a carful of happy children all right!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Sunny Day.

We finally had a day of good weather, after what feels like a week of rain. I got two loads of laundry done, so pleased!

Papa was at the school assembly this morning, watching our big boy get an award. He received the Religious Education award.

The children were especially excited to have the McVeys over after school. They'd been gone for 2 months visiting family back in Taiwan, and were sorely missed. It feels like no time has passed between these children, who enjoyed some time together this afternoon. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Skateland Party.

Our big boy attended a classmate's party at Skateland this afternoon. Said classmate very graciously extended the invitation to the entire family, which meant that big girl and our little man got to skate too. They were thrilled to be invited and included. 
The thumping music and crowd noises in an enclosed space were clearly too much for the husband's comfort level, but I'm grateful he stayed the whole way to look after the youngest ones. He says his sense of responsibility compelled him to stay. I'm glad for it!

All right, just one more week of school to go before the summer break! 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Homegrown, Homemade.

Our strawberry patch gives us 5-10 strawberries a day in spring/summer. With the rains we've had, too many of our fruit get munched on by slugs, snails, ants and even pillbugs. Today, funny enough, we had a bumper crop of fat red strawberries after a day of rain! So pleased with these ones here. The fruit are getting sweeter as summer progresses!

This evening, I cut out the last of the Jesse Tree ornaments for Advent. Inspired by a Justin and Adeline's Jesse Tree ornaments, I looked around for a felt set online. Unfortunately, they don't exist in NZ and the next best option was to make my own. It's taken awhile but the end is in sight. I'll be done once these are hot glued, stuffed and sewn. Almost there! 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Indoor Picnic.

When plans for the end of year school picnic get rained on... Take it indoors! 

We opted out of jostling with the rest of the school in the hall, bought takeaways and enjoyed it at home.

A full weekend lies ahead. 

Junior Athletics & Swimming.

Our big girl participated in the Junior Athletics at school, fun sports day for the junior classes. She gamely ran the sprint and took part in other activities like beanbag toss and a three-legged race. She finished dead last in her group for the sprint but watching the video the husband sent me, you wouldn't be faulted for thinking otherwise. He could be heard cheering his heart out for her as she came up to the finish line where he was. I can't think of a better cheer squad to have in any race.

Our big girl's other supporter today. The blustery morning didn't keep her from showing up for her big sister.

Papa being home meant that he could attend not only the Junior Athletics, but our little man's swimming class too. What a treat! Our little man also learned that he'll be moving up a level next year... great news! 

Papa's first day of the summer break was a precious glimpse into the weekday activities that he'd usually miss while at school. The children were elated to have had him there. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Goodbye, Granny!

Granny flew off on Sunday morning. The two plus weeks were not without ups and downs, but I'm grateful for the good conversation, a break from cooking and being able to leave sleeping beauties at home during morning school drop offs. 

Garang granny made and flew kites on the lane with the children, kicked the football around with us one evening, and joined us on the playground seesaw at the beach. Some things simply don't change. :) 

We also took the bus into the city one of the few sunny days we had during her stay.

Flying off early on Sunday morning meant that not everyone was fully awake and still sporting bed head at goodbye. 
Thank you for coming to be with us, Granny!

The husband is done with school for the year! Last day of school for him today, but school's out next week for the bigs. We are looking forward to having more time together, and me, that he'll be picking up the school runs. Yes!