Saturday, October 2, 2021

Happy Children's Day!

One of the perks of NOT having online learning to manage is the freedom to take learning in absolutely any direction. I could choose a topic to explore and involve all the children, meeting each at their own level. I've found this almost impossible to do while supporting online learning and inevitably feel like I'm neglecting the younger ones a little.

Today's topic: Surface tension 
#1 investigation: How many drops of water can you fit on an NZ $2 coin? (our answer: 21-25) Add a few drops of dish soap to the water and mix. How many water droplets can you fit on now? (our answer : 14)

We watched a few videos to begin a chat about surface tension and what soap does to that water tension. We learned about water striders, insects that use surface tension to their advantage! 

#2 investigation: Drop coloured water on a baking sheet. Observe the distinct domes that form on the sheet. Use a skewer to push blobs around and merge water blobs. What colours can you create? What happens when we dip the skewer in dish soap and touch each blob? 
Our big girl loved playing with the water blobs. Our little man was fascinated by colour theory and figured out what makes turquoise and orange. Our little lady learned how to release coloured water from the dropper by squeezing the bulb at the top. 

#3 investigation: Walking water!
This isn't directly related to water tension but the children have wanting to do this for ages. This is primarily a great experiment to investigate capillary action. And colour theory!

Our big girl had done this in kindy, but it was my first time seeing this. I was a little surprised by how long it took for the experiment to be complete. After a few hours, we had this:

What a pretty result!

We celebrated Children's Day (purely a Singaporean celebration) with takeaway pizza and a movie. We watched the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie.

We finished the day off with the game, Between Two Cities. It's a semi-cooperative game that involves each player laying plans for two cities, each city a combined effort with the player sitting on either side. The picture above shows the city our big girl and I created. Her first time playing the game and she enjoyed it. 

Blessed Children's Day to all our children, and the child in each of us. :) 

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