Friday, May 7, 2021


Remember how I ended off my last post convinced today would be a little less exciting? Not everyone got the memo, it seems. 

We spent three hours at the clinic waiting to be seen and bouncing between various health professionals. It was an unexpected trip, made this morning after speaking to our big boy's form teacher about his sprain. He was not putting any weight on his foot and I couldn't see him getting through the day hopping precariously on one foot.

He got sent for an X-Ray that confirmed there was no fracture. He is now in a moon boot and crutches for the next few days. The entire visit cost us just $20 to cover the X-Ray. The crutches are to be returned when he no longer needs them (no deposit, honour-system style), and the moon boot, he keeps. Wow. 

In spite of complaining about the moon boot, he's now convinced of its benefits after half a day of wearing it. In the evening, to his delight, he discovered that he could put some weight on his ankle.

Plus, it's a definite attention-grabber too. In a small school like his, everyone notices. I got more than one question from his curious schoolmates, many of whom were also very eager to share their own experiences with sprains, fractures and cuts of all kinds. I got to see a few battle scars too. 

I was heartened to see two of his good friends shepherding him to a lunch spot, one of them beside him holding his lunch box while the other led the way.

For his patience, our little man earned himself a Happy Meal with a side of cartoons.
It's been such a hard day, but we've made it through. Our big girl turns 6 tomorrow and she is incredibly excited. She's got presents waiting for her when she wakes, a special hot lunch in school (that her brother will also enjoy), and birthday dinner. We hope she has the best day. 

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