Saturday, March 9, 2024

Saturday Walks.

Saturday evenings, after dinner, some of the children and I go out for a walk. It's an open invitation and there's usually one or three who come along. 

It's a lovely time as we get out and explore, and we never quite know what we'll find. One time, we got into rock pools on the beach and discovered shrimp and featherduster worms. Another time, we spotted some starfish and a little crab burrowing under scattered shells.

This evening, we spied a pair of black swans getting ready for bed near the mangrove. The children rolled down grassy slopes and laughed about rolling off course. We discovered a flight of steps leading down to a bush walk that we haven't yet explored.

The exploration also happens with the children, as they reveal little surprises too along the way.

Our big girl goes with us in the hopes that she'll get a chance to have a bit of time with me. It took a bit of persuasion today for her to come along even though the littlies were coming too, but she seemed glad she did at the end of it all. I need to be mindful in giving her my attention even as the younger ones clamour for it.

These walks have also recently revealed that our little lady enjoys running. She takes off on her own and goes a fair distance, at a good pace before she needs to stop. This motivates the others to follow suit and we go at a merry pace for a bit and it's still good fun for everyone. Coming from a girl who loves being carried and has so often complained about walks being too long, this is big. Long may this running streak continue and grow! 

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