Saturday, November 12, 2022

This Is The Day That Never Ends.

The day has stretched on for what seems like forever. We drove to Hamilton for a first birthday party. We then got home and discovered to our dismay, that most of our family has nits, to differing degrees... The bigs probably caught it from school. It's our second time around dealing with nits, unheard of in Singapore but a part of life here. The first time, we freaked out, but this time, we knew what we were dealing with and it was just getting through the process of managing them. Nits aren't too tricky (compared to fleas) as they don't last long away from a host head, but just a tedious job overall. Also contrary to popular belief, they go for clean hair. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent washing and treating everyone for nits. We're all now having a family sleepover downstairs with our camping gear because our bedding is still wet and the husband dreamed up this idea which the children loved. :)

So, when he phoned me from the village to tell me he'd bought me a bottle of Irish Cream because it has been a long day and he thought it might be a nice treat, my heart just about melted. It was the sweetest thing.

We finally sat down to share a glass of Irish cream at 10pm, after the work of the day was done, after the boys were finally done with their tossing and turning and questions and were finally asleep. Peace and quiet. Night prayer, and we finished up Enola Holmes 2, a movie that'd taken us 3 sittings to watch. Life. So chaotic, so full, so exhausting, but with so much to love about it. 

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