Thursday, June 9, 2022

Messy Play Day

This morning, we spent some time exploring the different ways string dipped in paint could be used on paper. On reflection, I have a feeling yarn might have produced better results. 

Later in the day:
Not a sweet beverage, but an experiment to illustrate a part of the water cycle with shaving foam, water and food colouring:

That led to... You guessed it: messy play! 
It isn't hard to guess which ones among our four truly love getting right in there with the mess. 

This morning while painting, our little lady reminded me to close the caps on the paint bottles every time I squeezed paint out for her. She enjoys messy play, but there's really only so much of it she can take before she needs to get her hands clean. Our big boy... Wouldn't touch messy play with a six foot pole. It is so incredible to bear witness to their developing personalities, through play. 

Shaving foam sundaes!

Shaving foam was everywhere by the time they were done. The husband and I spotted some close to the ceiling later in the evening! Thankfully, shaving foam is fairly easy to wipe off and smells pleasant (to me, at least). Pop the children into the tub, run downstairs to clean up and voilĂ !

Our bigs have not been to school all this week, and don't look like they will be in tomorrow. Our big girl just coughed herself awake and will be sleeping in our room tonight while the husband sleeps in our big boy's room. We've been having a ball of a time at home, but after three nights of bed swaps and counting, I'd love to get my bed buddy back soon! 

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