Monday, March 14, 2022


The little man was a man on a mission at bathtime this evening; he gathered his water-type pokemon and asked for a tray. He was doing an "experiment" in the shower, he said. He wanted to investigate which water-type pokemon would sink and which ones would float. He was in there for a good half hour. So lovely. I had time to sit with our big girl while she did her homework.

He eventually emerged from the shower and shared his findings with the family: Wartortle was the only pokemon that floated, and the rest sank.

I love the mind that dreamed up that investigation. That same mind wants to visit the museum soon, specifically to see toys in the shop and ride on the elevator. 🤦‍♀️

Messy play session #1: More volcano play. 

Messy play session #2: After school

Shaving foam kept these guys busy today. They coloured it with eye droppers, piped it out of zip lock bags, and just got right into it.

In the kitchen, more play was happening: bread was baking! The breadmaker still kneads the dough, but I've recently started experimenting with shaping my loaves and baking them in loaf tins. We get two loaves. Freeze one, eat one.

We also made our first attempt at canning. Our garden has given us an abundance of tomatoes this summer, so I decided to can our extras. Sterilise the bottles, cut off tomato ends and blanch for 60 secs. Peel when cool and squish into jars. Cap jars and simmer in water bath for 60-85 mins. So satisfying to hear the pop of the seal on the cap as the bottles cooled. 

It's been a day of experimentation and learning. We're grateful.

At bedtime, I ask the children what they're thankful for.

Big boy: Dinner! And an easy maths and reading routine today.
(Papa made a delicious meal for us)

The little man points to everyone in the room as his mouth is full of water at that point: I love my family!

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