Thursday, January 6, 2022

Movie Date.

Our big girl was up bright and early and for once, was the one reminding me to get changed to leave so we wouldn't be late.

We got there with lots of time to spare. Popcorn was a must, and the availability of free refills didn't hurt either. There were only 4 other people in the cinema with us.

We watched Sing 2, which, in our big girl's opinion, felt like "the people who made the movie had too many ideas they wanted to put in". I couldn't have put it better myself, i wouldn't recommend the movie if you have to pay to watch it. The company was great, though. She observed that this is the third movie date we've had but the first that we didn't have a baby in tow.

Frozen yoghurt after the movie is always the highlight of the date. I think there might have been more lollies than frozen yoghurt in that cup! She was so pleased, though, look at that smile.

This girl knows what she wants and it doesn't take much for her to be content. I'm glad to have had that time with her while papa looked after the others at home. (I'm pretty sure they behave better for him than for me!) 

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