Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve.

"I can't believe it's Christmas Eve!" was our big girl's greeting to us this morning. The excitement was palpable. 

At the same time, there was still an element of waiting in the air as we await Christ's birth. 

The children just yesterday had gone door-to-door on our street to collect canned food for the needy, and we brought the donations in this morning. They collected 28 cans and a bagful of other goodies and these were gratefully received. 

In the afternoon, we watched The Star, an animated nativity movie made from the animals' perspective. The donkey, Bo, spent his life dreaming of carrying royalty on his back, only to find at the end of the movie that he had carried the King of Kings. 

As the final task of our Jesse Tree Advent preparations, the older children were given a puzzle to solve: the first letters of the "O Antiphons" in Latin, backwards, would give a secret message, also in Latin. Interestingly, each of the 7 Antiphons are reflected in each verse of the hymn "O Come, O Come, Emmanual" . 

"Ero Cras!" or, "Tomorrow I will be."

Our advent candles were lit for the last time this Advent, and the empty manger awaits baby Jesus. 

The children were overjoyed to open a few presents tonight, one of them being a magnetic tile marble run, a family gift from papa and I. We spent a good amount of time building and playing with this. 

The rest of the presents will come tomorrow after mass. Tomorrow we celebrate! 

O come, Divine Messiah!

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