Monday, November 29, 2021

Uphill Journeys.

Mary and Joseph have begun their long and arduous journey to Bethlehem. Each morning, the children discover how much ground the Holy couple and their donkey covered while they slept. 

Sometimes, their journey is an uphill struggle, not unlike ours in our current season of life. The end of the school year teasingly beckons, sooo close yet lurking just beyond our grasp. We are all tired and ready to be done with the school year. 

The husband, at school, battles waves of unmotivation from students who are sick of lessons and learning.

At home, our little man is an emotional minefield of mostly happy peppered with sudden meltdowns and knee-jerk aggression that all but incapacitate everyone with earshot. It is so hard to be three and to have to understand why we have to come inside for dinner ("but I want to play outside"), or why we have to go to bed. That's a rundown of the needs and developmental stage of one child. Put all four together and it's... A lot. 

We are well and truly knackered by the end of the day, but still need (or want?) to reset the house for a new day. 

Uphill journey.

It's a sweat while we're in the thick of it, but perhaps there is hope for a beautiful view at the end of it.

Our nativity scene in the prayer room seems empty at the moment, calling out to be filled with more than just the sheep who inhabit it at the moment. The empty, hopeful stable is our hearts at Advent. We know joy awaits. 

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