Sunday, November 7, 2021

Our Village.

Our littlest has had puffy eyelids for the past few days and has not been entirely herself. After a couple of bumpy nights, she seems to be on the mend now.

It has been exhausting. It's been hard to function and the days have been long, but I'm grateful for our village, the community that is the lane we live on. A mum put out her sprinklers today and the children had a great time cooling off in its spray.

Yesterday, another neighbour bought fish and chips for the children on the lane for lunch. I was busy putting the little lady to bed then, but he got them sorted while another mum brought juice to share.

We have our differences, but with children as our shared priority, we have a common purpose in making our community thrive. 

The husband and I have just made an online order for a water dispenser and some plastic tumblers. We plan to set up a water station in our front yard so children can help themselves to water and stay hydrated while they spend the day outside with their friends. 

Almost 5 years ago when we first arrived in this new land, I wondered if we would find our village here. Who would have known that today, we would have our village just beyond our doorstep. 

It's also fellow mum-neighbours who capture precious moments like this. 

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