Monday, September 13, 2021

Lockdown Day 27. (And it just got 7 days longer)

And so it is. Level 4 lockdown has been extended by a week. Watching the alert level announcements would often fill me with a sense of hope that deflated as the announcement unfolded. I decided awhile ago that I'm done tuning into the live announcements. Finding out after the fact definitely helps, especially when I have helpful neighbours who update me!

What changes? The husband is likely to have a bubble birthday this year. We'd already come to accept that. It's become more likely that we won't be able to get him a gift delivered in time. That being said, who needs a present when one has 4 months' supply of strong Kopi O Gao lovingly sent across the seas by his parents? He'll be caffeinated enough to survive lockdown! The man wants a truckload of compost for his birthday. We might be able to make that happen, if our ducks play ball and line up.

The children? We've told them to expect to go back to school only after the school holidays, in four weeks' time. They took the news pretty well. One of the perks of having three siblings is that you're never short of a play mate. If you're bored or annoyed with one, the next one might prove better company. 

Our little man recently moved out of our bedroom and is now roomies with his older two siblings. Imagine that, waking up with all the ingredients for play right next to you. I'm often woken up by their happy chatter in the mornings, even as they TRY their best to be quiet while thumping down the stairs. 

I have much to be grateful for. I'm itching to do some online shopping, considering we'll be home for awhile more. The only thing holding me back is the currently overloaded postal system. Order something now and I'll probably get it when we're out and about again. Ah well. 

busy bodies this afternoon. 

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