Sunday, September 26, 2021


Carpentry was on our big boy's mind the moment he woke up. He was excited to learn to use the hacksaw, and this was the day! He told me he had a dream about using a hacksaw just before he woke up. 

Before 9am, he'd had breakfast and we were outside having a go at the hacksaw. Very exciting! We soon learned that because it's a fine-toothed one, sawing takes a lonnnnng time. He ran out of patience quickly and engaged papa and I to help when his arms got tired. 

Woodworking got full-on at 3pm when all three older children were outside. For awhile, the metallic, syncopated clinking of hammers was all you could hear. 

I taught our little man to use the screwdriver today and he managed to make a face for his robot using nails and saw. 

Takeaway from today: saw work is fun! But we need a bigger saw! I'm also happy to report that all fingers and toes are intact at the end of a busy day of carpentry, although our big girl did hit her thumb with a hammer! 

Tonight was game night with our big boy. We played Pandemic, a game I've been wanting to play since the pandemic started. It's a cooperative game where we race against time to find a cure for the virus before it spreads across the globe. We won!! Now if only things were so simple in real life. 

It feels like things have come full circle somewhat; Pandemic was one of the first games we bought when we started our hobby in 2013. I remember sitting at the foot of our bed, speaking in hushed tones as we played this game. On the bed, our firstborn slept, oblivious. Today, he's playing that very game with us! 

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